Hosts Jack West and Charu Aggarwal speak with radiation oncology experts David Palma of the London Health Sciences Centre and Puneeth Iyengar of University of Texas-Southwestern about the functional definition and treatment of oligometastatic cancer. (50:40)
Host Dr. Jack West chats with Dr. Nina Niu Sanford, radiation oncologist at UT-Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, TX, about her efforts to weave her commitments to her young family into her efforts to define her clinical & research trajectory. (18:44)
Dr. Nina Niu Sanford, radiation oncologist at UT-Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, TX, speaks with host Jack West about moving from China in childhood, being raised in Boston, & the path into radiation oncology. (22:27)
Host Dr. Jack West questions Dr. Puneeth Iyengar, radiation oncologist at UT-Southwestern, about proton beam radiation therapy, risks & benefits of cranial irradiation, & local ablative therapy for local consolidation therapy for oligometastatic disease. (31:39)
Dr. Puneeth Iyengar talks with Dr. Jack West about growing up Indian in Louisiana, his training path from Boston to New York before returning to Texas, his entry into radiation oncology, & how the field is adapting to changes in cancer care. (26:58)