Hosts Jack West and Charu Aggarwal meet with Dr. Vince Miller to discuss the process of deciding to move from academia to industry, the evolution of molecular marker testing, and the potential for EQRx to break the impasse of escalating cancer drug costs. (42:53)
Hosts Jack West and Charu Aggarwal discuss with Dr. Samyukta Mullangi of Memorial Sloan-Kettering the limitations of the current state-based medical licensing requirements and several potential paths to adapt to telemedicine & current practice needs. (36:02)
Dr. Jarushka Naidoo, medical oncologist at Johns Hopkins, speaks with host Jack West about her path from childhood TV star in South Africa, to medical training and stage acting in Dublin, to US-based expert on toxicities of cancer immunotherapy. (50:30)
Dr. Greg Riely from MSKCC and Dr. Jack West review the changing role for plasma NGS and local ablation therapy (LAT) for oligometastic disease (OMD) or oligoprogressing advanced NSCLC in clinical practice. (28:11)
Dr. Greg Riely from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) chats with Dr. Jack West about current standards in molecular testing for advanced NSCLC & potential challenges in execution in translating the promise of genomics into broad practice. (19:57)